August 2015 On my way back from Iceland I came across Denmark. In 2009 I visited the Tipperne peninsula for the first time and was absolutely impressed by the lush birdlife I found there. This year my visit was quite late in the breeding season and the weather was rather uncomfortable with a stiff breeze… Continue reading Red barn
Tag: exhibition
Fortress Rosenberg
July 2009 During an exhibition in Kronach (South-Germany) I stayed at a hostel situated inside a fortress called Festung Rosenberg (builded around 1250) for four days. Common Kestrels Falco tinnunculus, lot’s of Common Swifts Apus apus and Western Jackdaws Corvus monedula bred in the walls of the fortstress. Up to 40 individuals of Jackdaws were… Continue reading Fortress Rosenberg