After a long winter, my local patch is slowly filling up with birds returning from wintering grounds.With their return, the place also fills with sound. One species that stands out visually and acousticallyis the Bluethroat Luscinia svecica.While wildlife photographers bother the males for their striking appearance, the wildife soundrecordist can listen and record the countless… Continue reading A little respect
Tag: birdsong
Common Starling roost
June 2020 At the beginning of April, during a sound recording trip, I accidentally came across a roost of Common Starlings Sturnus v. vulgaris consisting of several hundreds of individuals. During the morning recording session I realised that those songs were differently from those uttered at night. At night the birds arriving at the roost… Continue reading Common Starling roost
Bluethroat song
June 2020 I am regularly asked how exactly I came to sound recording. The answer is as short as simple: I discovered that there are animal sounds that are very abstract and sound surprisingly artificial. Here my personal interest in synthesising sounds began to fade away… PFR16506, 200410, Bluethroat Luscinia svecia cyanecula, male, song, Germany