June 2010 In order to handle the bitter feelings of loosing a friend by death, I started to make sound recordings inside and along the stone pit Großsteinberg (near Leipzig) once again. It was one of the places, we regularly visited together. Sadly the axcavation in the quarry has been boost anew. For that reason… Continue reading Grosssteinberg II
Tag: summer
Fortress Rosenberg
July 2009 During an exhibition in Kronach (South-Germany) I stayed at a hostel situated inside a fortress called Festung Rosenberg (builded around 1250) for four days. Common Kestrels Falco tinnunculus, lot’s of Common Swifts Apus apus and Western Jackdaws Corvus monedula bred in the walls of the fortstress. Up to 40 individuals of Jackdaws were… Continue reading Fortress Rosenberg
Hissing and clicking
July 2009 What do you think you hear in this recording? A clockwork? A model railroad? Or maybe a snake? 090713, Eurasian Wryneck Jynx torquilla, juveniles, near Leipzig, Germany Yesterday I ringed some juvenile Wrynecks Jynx torquilla. What you can hear is their defense call. For me it was quite an impressive experience to see… Continue reading Hissing and clicking
June 2009 In June two friends and I made a trip to Norge and Denmark. It was not my first time there, but the first time with having more time to enjoy the landscape without having to run from one tourist attraction to the next as with my parents in my boyhood. Nevertheless, we did… Continue reading Northbound
August 2008 Earlier the year Haldensleben (central Germany) based ornithologist Reinhold Brennecke called me to report a local Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra with an aberrant song. The bird would have two different kinds of song – one similar to the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and in addition a mixed song containing Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting elements.… Continue reading Wrong!
Singwarte nature sound recording camp
July 2008 In June the Singwarte Nature Sound Recording Camp took place in a small village called Süplingen near Magdeburg, East-Germany. A small group of fellow sound recordists stayed at a local camping site. From there we started our daily trips into the adjacent forest and the so called Colbitz-Letzlinger-Heide – a military area which… Continue reading Singwarte nature sound recording camp
Drömling I
July 2008 End of July 2008 I visited the nature park Drömling, a great area of grass- and marshland in the so called Altmark in central Germany. I recorded singing Common Quails Coturnix coturnix and Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica calling from the rooftops of my sisters house. 080728, Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica, Mieste, Germany 080728,… Continue reading Drömling I