August 2015 On my way back from Iceland I came across Denmark. In 2009 I visited the Tipperne peninsula for the first time and was absolutely impressed by the lush birdlife I found there. This year my visit was quite late in the breeding season and the weather was rather uncomfortable with a stiff breeze… Continue reading Red barn
Tag: summer
JUNE 2015 Usually I try to avoid having expectations at all. The same goes for travelling. In addition, living a busy life means doing first things first – so I went off to my recent UK trip once more rather mentally unprepared. As a first stopover on my way to Northumberland Santpoort in the Netherlands… Continue reading Eastcoast
Tshekk feat. Thomas K.
August 2014 A bit bored by birding and sound recording in always the same areas since years I asked my friend Thomas to show me nice spots near his hometown – especially because it is just around the corner. A few days later I found myself back in an area, well known from my childhood… Continue reading Tshekk feat. Thomas K.
July 2014 In May/June 2013 I accompanied a small group consisting of three experienced field ornithologists and bird ringers from Mongolia, Germany and the UK plus a driver and a cook from Ulaanbaatar for a short expedition through western central-mongolia. Erdenesant PFR07717-1, 2-10, 130522, Taiga Flycatcher Ficedula albicilla, excitement call, Erdenesant, Mongolia PFR07773, 2-10, 130523… Continue reading Mongolia
WSRS annual meeting II
July 2014 Every year the Wildlife Sound Recording Society holds an annual meeting somewhere in the UK. This year it was held at the Rutland Water Reserve. The guest speaker was the society’s new president Chris Watson. He spoke about the work during the filming of the tv-program Frozen Planet and his experiences in Antarctica.… Continue reading WSRS annual meeting II
Fade out
July 2014 This sound recording was taken during a short stay on Madeira, Portugal. It was the most intense listening and recording session I’ve ever experienced. Thank You! PFR10086, 1-11, 140628, Zino’s Petrel, male, female, calls, Pico de Arieiro, Madeira, Portugal
Barred (Warbler) feat. Thomas K.
June 2014 In contrast to visual identification of Barred Warblers Sylvia nisoria, which is without doubt straightforeward – not to say this species is unmistakeable – it’s acoustic ID seems to be much more complicated, even for more experienced birders. the mighty Thomas K. The new approach has taught us to rely on facts not… Continue reading Barred (Warbler) feat. Thomas K.