November 2012 I’ve never understood what people makes enthusiastic with patriotism. For me, artificial constructs of nations and national identities make no sense therefore I usually don’t think in structures like this. But sometimes I can’t help and start to find a particular group of people more awful than others – depending on their behaviour. Sometimes… Continue reading Vessel tracks II
Tag: autumn
Drömling IV – Roost
October 2012 5.500 Tundra Bean Geese Anser serrirostris & Greater White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons flying off from roost. PFR00685, 121025, Tundra Bean Geese Anser serrirostris, White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons, Flachwasserzone Mannhausen, Germany photo credit: Tundra Bean Goose Anser serrirostris © Mathias Putze | Green-Lens
Autumn bird migration
November 2010 During October and November I made a bird migration census in Thuringia, East-Germany. Luckely I was able to make a few sound recordings of bird flight calls and to take a few pictures of birds in flight to improve my identification skills. my daily observation point I my daily observation point II 101028,… Continue reading Autumn bird migration
Greifwalder Oie I
December 2008 During October I was at a bird ringing station on a small isle called Greifswalder Oie. It is situated in the Baltic Sea in Northeastern Germany. For me, this trip offered a complete new view on bird migration. In the area around my hometown Leipzig, bird migration was for me, until now, only… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie I
European Red Deer Rut I
December 2008 During the last years I often went to a wonderful place called Wildenhainer Bruch part of the heathland Dübener Heide near Leipzig, Germany. In autumn, from a birdwatching hide, you can hear Common Cranes Grus grus, European Red Deers Cervus elaphus or even observe a patroling White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla without disturbing it.