July 2021Regular visitors to my blog will know that one of my favourite nature reserves isa former military training area south of Berlin (see: Scorched Earth I)After a massive fire some years back, new flora is now showing up and with it firstlarger fauna. One species was always present even right after the big fire,… Continue reading Scorched Earth II
Category: field note
The Red Tower
May 2021Strong winds have been persisting for weeks, making wildlife sound recording outdoorsalmost impossible at the moment.Fortunately, there are birds that breed in buildings, like barn swallows. In this case, evenin an observation tower in a nature reserve.
Hawfinch Song
April 2021One of my favourite songs among Eurasian songbirds. Often not recognised as a song,it is nevertheless complex and sometimes even contains imitations – as here from theBlack Woodpecker Dryocopus m. martius.
New Year take-off
January 2021My first recording session of the year. Tundra Bean Geese Anser serrirostris,Greater White-fronted Geese Anser albifrons, Greylag Geese Anser anser,Whooper Swans Cygnus cygnus, Mute Swans Cygnus olor leaving their roost.
European Tree Frog, substation
October 2020 Several displaying European Tree Frogs Hyla arborea recorded near a substation. In background Common Nightingales and noise from a motorway. Double-MS recording down-mixed to binaural. No filtering. PFR17268, 20200607, European Tree Frog Hyla arborea, Germany
September 2020 A binaural mix consisting of a wind energy plant surround sound recording and a simultaneously with two geophones recorded windmill. PFR17138, 200826, wind energy plant/windmill, Germany
Common Starling roost
June 2020 At the beginning of April, during a sound recording trip, I accidentally came across a roost of Common Starlings Sturnus v. vulgaris consisting of several hundreds of individuals. During the morning recording session I realised that those songs were differently from those uttered at night. At night the birds arriving at the roost… Continue reading Common Starling roost