Amphibian paradise (optically)

March 2010 End of March my companion Marcus and I made a trip to a famous spot for amphibians, particularly for Moor Frogs Rana arvalis and European Common Toads Bufo bufo. I hoped to get a few recordings in a quiet surrounding – but my mission failed. The destination is a nature reserve in the… Continue reading Amphibian paradise (optically)

Greifswalder Oie III

May 2009 In early Spring I was on the isle Greifswalder Oie for the third time. It was quite a different situation as in Autumn. Only a few birds were migrating, what gave me enough time for single individuals, studying their fragmentary, incomplete songs “on the road”. Earlier the year the Club 300 Germany started… Continue reading Greifswalder Oie III

Greifwalder Oie II

January 2009 During my second trip to the isle Greifswalder Oie in December 2008 I found me confronted with a completely new situation. There were no migrating birds at all. On the whole island were only a few songbirds, a pair of Northern Raven Corvus corax made display flights, a straying flock of Hooded Crows… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie II

Greifwalder Oie I

December 2008 During October I was at a bird ringing station on a small isle called Greifswalder Oie. It is situated in the Baltic Sea in Northeastern Germany. For me, this trip offered a complete new view on bird migration. In the area around my hometown Leipzig, bird migration was for me, until now, only… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie I

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