July 2016 Midyear is usually the time for a short UK trip. The Wildlife Sound Recording Society holds it’s annual meeting and this is the best opportunity to meet some sound recordists, having chats about recent trips, new equipment or this year, the so called brexit. On my way to the Rutland Water Reserve I… Continue reading Remain
Category: blog
Mallorca of the north
January 2016 In June 2014 I went to the annual meeting of the Wildlife Sound Recording Society at Rutland Wetland Reserve. Chris Watson the new president of the society presented sound recordings made on filming trips for Sir David Attenborough’s series Frozen Planet– no need to mention how inspiring it was once again. Chris invited… Continue reading Mallorca of the north
Bird bound feat. Hendrik Walcher
August 2015 In the early 2000s I curated a sound art series called Alula Ton Serien. I think it was the concert series where I met Hendrik Walcher, an ornithologist and sound recordist for the first time. I remember not very detailed at things from that time, simply because I was so busy these days.… Continue reading Bird bound feat. Hendrik Walcher
JUNE 2015 Usually I try to avoid having expectations at all. The same goes for travelling. In addition, living a busy life means doing first things first – so I went off to my recent UK trip once more rather mentally unprepared. As a first stopover on my way to Northumberland Santpoort in the Netherlands… Continue reading Eastcoast
Just dutch birding II
MAY 2015 It’s no secret the Netherlands are always worth a visit at least for birding. Especially the north seems to be blessed with migrants and sometimes one can get the impression, the countless dutch birders even find every vagrant may it ever so inconspicuous. Therefore, no doubt a stopover in Holland travelling from the… Continue reading Just dutch birding II
Come back, kid!
MAY 2015 I remember vividly one of my first trips to explore potential biotopes for wildlife sound recording back in the early 2000s somewhere around Leipzig. Driven by the idea we could spot a displaying Eurasian Woodcock Scolopax rusticola my friend Daniel and I went off to a well known forest which should inhabit lots… Continue reading Come back, kid!
Baltic winds
January 2015 I spent one week on Poel Island in the northwest of East-Germany end of December 2014 in order to make proper recordings of Eurasian Curlews, Whooper- and Bewick’s Swans. PFR10425, 141226, 1-10, Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus, 20, calls in flight, wing sound Gollwitz, Poel Island, Germany First I have to confess, I’ve never… Continue reading Baltic winds