
February 2018 I spent a good part of the winter 2017/18 with studying vocalisations of Red Crossbills Loxia curvirostra, Parrot Crossbills Loxia pytyopsittacus and the very close related Common Redpoll Acanthis flammea (or Lesser Redpoll A. cabaret, Mealy Redpoll A. flammea and Arctic Redpoll A. hornemanni if you like). Parrot Crossbill Loxia pytyopsittacus, 2CY, male Cones! Red Crossbill Loxia… Continue reading Crossbills

Birds at war

May 2018 Earlier the month the artist duo FAMED kindly invited me to give a talk at Nuremberg’s art academy. Their chosen topic was ornithology and birding in times of war. Some years ago Marcus Held and I were preparing an artistic work, reflecting on Günter Niethammer’s paper ‘Beobachtungen über die Vogelwelt von Auschwitz’ (‘The… Continue reading Birds at war

Darß III

December 2017 I prefer to spend the winter time somewhere at the coast, where bird species accumulate much more than they do in the mainland. Since I live in the mainland, it amounts to short trips up north, favourably to the Darß peninsula. It was a bit of a bad timing this year, and way… Continue reading Darß III

Silver Fox

July 2017 At this year’s Wildlife Sound Recording Society‘s annual general meeting I have been awarded the Silver Fox Award. The Silver Fox ist the overall winner of the annual competition. I feel very honoured and would like to thank the society especially the jury! These are my competition submissions to five categories: single individual of one… Continue reading Silver Fox


July 2017 I recently made a short trip to a former military area in Brandenburg in order to make decent recordings of Eurasian Nightjars Caprimulgus europaeus and in hope for another Grey Wolf Lupus lupus observation. PFR13073, 26/05/2017, Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix, song, Brandenburg, Germany Unfortunately that area is close to Berlin thus air traffic… Continue reading Brandenburg

Greifwalder Oie V

February 2017 End of December 2016 I went to the baltic isle Greifswalder Oie for the 5th time. My intention was to collect more sound recordings for two upcoming releases with unprocessed sound recordings from the baltic region. The winter was far too mild for that time of the year and wouldn’t force too many… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie V

Drömling VII – Summer

September 2016 End of July, early August adult birds usually are busy with feeding their chicks or already moult quietly hidden in the shrubbery. From time to time you can hear males singing in aim to teach their offspring species-specific songs, probably in particular dialects. But the time of exuberant dawn choruses and day and night time singing is… Continue reading Drömling VII – Summer

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