February 2009 It´s February, the first songbirds are singing in the first warm shafts of sunlight. After a few of month recording with hard conditions a friendlier time is about to begin. To my surprise yesterday a flock of Common Starlings Sturnus vulgaris was sitting in a apple tree and chatting. One of them gave… Continue reading February recordings
Author: Patrick
Greifwalder Oie II
January 2009 During my second trip to the isle Greifswalder Oie in December 2008 I found me confronted with a completely new situation. There were no migrating birds at all. On the whole island were only a few songbirds, a pair of Northern Raven Corvus corax made display flights, a straying flock of Hooded Crows… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie II
Greifwalder Oie I
December 2008 During October I was at a bird ringing station on a small isle called Greifswalder Oie. It is situated in the Baltic Sea in Northeastern Germany. For me, this trip offered a complete new view on bird migration. In the area around my hometown Leipzig, bird migration was for me, until now, only… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie I
European Red Deer Rut I
December 2008 During the last years I often went to a wonderful place called Wildenhainer Bruch part of the heathland Dübener Heide near Leipzig, Germany. In autumn, from a birdwatching hide, you can hear Common Cranes Grus grus, European Red Deers Cervus elaphus or even observe a patroling White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla without disturbing it.
Bee-eaters at Geiseltal
July 2008 During the last weeks I regularly went to an area called Geiseltal near Merseburg in central Germany. It was a brown coal pit till 1994. Now the area will be transformed to an immense water landscape for all kinds of sports and freetime activities. Some animals which life in this really rare type… Continue reading Bee-eaters at Geiseltal
August 2008 Earlier the year Haldensleben (central Germany) based ornithologist Reinhold Brennecke called me to report a local Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra with an aberrant song. The bird would have two different kinds of song – one similar to the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and in addition a mixed song containing Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting elements.… Continue reading Wrong!
Singwarte nature sound recording camp
July 2008 In June the Singwarte Nature Sound Recording Camp took place in a small village called Süplingen near Magdeburg, East-Germany. A small group of fellow sound recordists stayed at a local camping site. From there we started our daily trips into the adjacent forest and the so called Colbitz-Letzlinger-Heide – a military area which… Continue reading Singwarte nature sound recording camp