Greifwalder Oie II

January 2009 During my second trip to the isle Greifswalder Oie in December 2008 I found me confronted with a completely new situation. There were no migrating birds at all. On the whole island were only a few songbirds, a pair of Northern Raven Corvus corax made display flights, a straying flock of Hooded Crows… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie II

Greifwalder Oie I

December 2008 During October I was at a bird ringing station on a small isle called Greifswalder Oie. It is situated in the Baltic Sea in Northeastern Germany. For me, this trip offered a complete new view on bird migration. In the area around my hometown Leipzig, bird migration was for me, until now, only… Continue reading Greifwalder Oie I

European Red Deer Rut I

December 2008 During the last years I often went to a wonderful place called Wildenhainer Bruch part of the heathland Dübener Heide near Leipzig, Germany. In autumn, from a birdwatching hide, you can hear Common Cranes Grus grus, European Red Deers Cervus elaphus or even observe a patroling White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla without disturbing it.


August 2008 Earlier the year Haldensleben (central Germany) based ornithologist Reinhold Brennecke called me to report a local Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra with an aberrant song. The bird would have two different kinds of song – one similar to the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and in addition a mixed song containing Yellowhammer and Corn Bunting elements.… Continue reading Wrong!

Singwarte nature sound recording camp

July 2008 In June the Singwarte Nature Sound Recording Camp took place in a small village called Süplingen near Magdeburg, East-Germany. A small group of fellow sound recordists stayed at a local camping site. From there we started our daily trips into the adjacent forest and the so called Colbitz-Letzlinger-Heide – a military area which… Continue reading Singwarte nature sound recording camp

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